Secretary Aaron Olson
As the Secretary of Lodge 100, I am responsible for updating the membership roster with members transferring in and out of the Lodge, paying the dues to State and National Lodges, coordinating Lodge rentals, overseeing the Lodge’s general fund, and helping with any Lodge events.
Lodge 100 to me is an important organization to be maintained, both for the community outreach we engage in and for the benefit of past, current, and future officers. Having met officers from around the state and country I have found having representation from a Lodge when dealing with local governments and administrations greatly helps the officers and gives them a united voice.
My goals while serving with Lodge 100 would include streamlining some of the membership processes, seeing the Lodge continue to improve financially to include setting up methods of long term funding both for Lodge events and community outreach, and probably most importantly seeing younger or newly hired officers get involved as they are the ones who will be responsible for continuing the Lodge’s mission long after I have retired.
My favorite thing about the Lodge 100 family is the support offered to members and their families in times of need. There have been numerous officers in my time in the department who have experienced an injury or illness to themselves or someone in their family or a death in the family. During these times when officers need to support the most I have seen Lodge members come together in many ways: providing meals, helping around the house, calling to check-in, or donating money to help the officer and their family. It is incredible to me how this group comes together to help.
I am a Louisville native and moved to Southern Indiana when I was hired in Jeffersonville 9 years ago where I live with my wife, dog, and two cats. In my free time, I like to go kayaking and I run a small woodworking and laser engraving business on the side.