Vice President Craig Jackson
As Vice President of Jeffersonville FOP Lodge 100, I oversee requests for charitable donations and assist in all other executive functions as needed. In the event of the absence of the President of the Lodge, I serve in that capacity. If we were a baseball team, I’d be the “utility” guy.
FOP means a lot of different things to me because it has a lot of different roles. We are a labor union, a non-profit charitable organization, and a fraternal organization all in one. Ultimately it comes down to a brotherhood of law enforcement professionals who display the best of what it means to serve in law enforcement and stands up for those who are out doing the job and epitomizing those values. I’m grateful to my grandfather, our Chaplain Jim Jackson, for helping me understand that from early in my career, which is what led me to get so involved with the FOP.
One of my primary goals for the FOP is to improve our financial situation. We have experienced some uncertain times, but we have tightened our belts and gotten through it. There is still room for improvement and I look forward to our executive board seeing it through to the more comfortable and stable financial ground. Other goals would include making sure members are getting the best benefits possible that they have earned, ensuring members are treated fairly at all times and expanding Lodge participation among the membership.
My favorite thing about the Lodge 100 family is the wide scope of the good we have done. We have been there for each other in times of need, and beyond that have helped our brothers and sisters at other lodges when they’ve had need such as experiencing a line of duty death of a member. We’ve donated hundreds of thousands of dollars into our community and state. We’ve touched the lives of hundreds of children to bring joy to them during the Christmas season with our Shop with a Cop program. We’ve brought smiles to the faces of sick children at Norton’s Children’s Hospital through our No Shave November campaign while making contributions to the hospital’s research and treatment work. We’ve stood up for the rights and benefits of our members. All this is just what I’ve seen first-hand in the four years that I’ve been a member of this lodge, and I know the tradition of good work the lodge has done goes back many decades.
I grew up in Jeffersonville before my family moved to Charlestown while I was in high school. I previously served with the Indiana University Police Department-Bloomington while I finished my degrees there, and I am a proud IU alumnus. My hobbies and interests are wide-ranging and far too long to list entirely, but among them include hunting and fishing, watching and playing a variety of sports, and fitness and cycling.